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Connecting Serious, Selective, Sacramento Singles


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Join Our Free Private Dating Club Directory

Welcome to our Private Dating Club Directory, your free entry to serious relationships without full Membership commitments. Simply fill out your profile to match with great people. We'll contact you when there's a mutual connection, potentially introducing your perfect match soon. Join Kat Matchmaking for a risk-free way to find love!

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Submit Your Profile

Submit your profile, including at least 2 current photos—a headshot and a full body shot. I'm all about helping you make the best connections, so please note that incomplete profiles won't make it through. Let's showcase the wonderful you in the best way possible!


Profile Review

After submitting your profile, our team reviews it and notifies you upon approval. Then, you're in our Private Dating Club Directory, ready for matches with exceptional members. Your profile remains active until you opt for a change. Plus, expect a quarterly reminder from me to update your status, keeping your connections relevant and fresh!


Get Matched

If I discover that you're a fantastic fit for one of our club members, I'll reach out via email or a friendly text message. Next, we'll schedule a cozy 15-minute phone or video conference call. It's a chance to get to know each other better, chat about the match details, and share more about our outstanding club members. If everyone's on board for a meet-up, I'll ensure you both get the necessary contact information. It's all about making connections in the most enjoyable way! 

Sacramento Matchmaking


Download my Free ebook!

7 Secrets to finding your perfect match